Your GameChanger Experiences
• Chris Hinds
With over 10,000 of you using the App, we wanted to know how people were doing. More than 1,700 of you got in touch over the last week. We’ve read every single response, and we’re using what you said to make the study even better.

The overwhelming majority of the feedback was really positive. We’re delighted that so many people are enjoying GameChanger! However, we know the study isn’t perfect, so we’ve made a list of everything you reported, and we’re sorting them out.
Here are the top 5 things you said:
Can I get personalised feedback?
This is a really big research challenge, but the data from GameChanger is an important first step for understanding how to do this.
Why do I have to play the same game multiple times?
Repeating the games makes the data much more robust. It also helps us work out the best way to use the games in future. We’re hoping to add new games soon.
I found the tasks tricky. Is this normal?
Don’t worry! We’ve tried to make the tasks challenging even for healthy adults.
My cursor got stuck in the Tilt Task!
We’re really sorry about this. Making the algorithm we use to interpret movement more sophisticated is now our top priority.
My phone wasn’t compatible with Tilt Task
Unfortunately, there are a small number of Android phones which don’t have all of the movement sensors needed for Tilt Task. We’re working on detecting this earlier, so we can make the experience smoother.
A big thank you for all your responses! You can now give us feedback whenever you like by using the Contact button in the menu at the very top of this website.